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  • By Dhruv Dhody

RFCs We Love: Security Edition

Our April RFCsWeLove (the 11th iteration) was held on the weekend in Bangalore at Blume Villa on 27th March 2019. The meetup was focused on security aspects and we had a very good mix of speakers and topics for this session.

RFCsWeLove Agenda:

  • Introductions by Dhruv, IIESoc

  • DOTS (DDoS open threat signaling) by Tirumaleswar Reddy Konda, Mcafee

  • What's new with Wi-Fi Security aka WPA3 by Mohit Sethi, Ericsson (remote)

  • IKEv2 Optional SA&TS Payloads in Child Exchange [draft-kampati-ipsecme-ikev2-sa-ts-payloads-opt-00] by Sandeep Kampati, Huawei

  • Automated TLS using Letsencrypt on a Kubernetes Cluster by Ashwin Murali, Zoomcar

Dhruv kicked off the session by providing a quick introduction to IIESoc and RFCWeLove. We had some 15 folks at the meetup with some first timers as well as folks participating and presenting remotely this time. A quick round of introduction was done and it was good to see participation from a diverse set, there were vendors (Nokia, Huawei, Cisco, etc.) as well as startups (VuNet, Fastah, etc.) this time.

Tirumaleswar kicked off with a great presentation on DOTS, first explaining the possible attack scenarios and then how the DOTS help with mitigation. It was great for Mohit to present remotely on Wi-Fi security and its journey to WPA3, it was interesting to see which RFCs played a role in WPA standards.

Sandeep Kampati who wrote his first -00 internet draft presented it at this meetup. He first discribed how IPSEC and IKE works and then described his optimization to the re-key procedure. It was great to see various folks providing suggestions on how he could improve his draft and collabrate further before he presents it at the IETF in near future. Changing gears, Ashwin from Zoomcar talked from the implementation perspective on how letsencrypt on a K8s cluster could be realized, it was a great discussion to end a wonderful session.

Thanks to our speakers as well everyone who took time to come out on a saturday!

Find details about previous meetup here.

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